Monday, January 25, 2010

What animal this?

Having children, especially little girls, has allowed me to revisit my love of toys. There are so many fantastic toys out there to love. Things like easy bake ovens and magnetic dress up dolls, stickers and moon sand.

This particular toy I do not not love. I bought him (and some of his similarily funny looking friends)because E. loves him. And because watching his show on youtube brings everyone joy: the children because they are mesmerized and the mummy because she can either clean or slack off in peace.

But this morning, before the coffee had even fully defogged my brain, my online toy shopping caught up with me:

"Mummy, what animal this?"

Hmm, good question.
"Iggle piggle isn't an animal sweetie, he's sort of like a dolly"
E. just gives me a Look: "Nooooo, he's NOT a dolly!"
No, I suppose he doesn't much resemble her flaxen haired dolly. Sort of a smushed, primordial dolly. Maybe.
She persisted: "What animal this?"
"Umm...a bear?"
"Nooooo mummy."

Who would have thought that a silly old toy would have led to this conundrum of classification.

In the end I told her he was a Piggle.

1 comment:

  1. LOL: "In the end I told here he was a Piggle!"

    Very funny. I like it.
